Patricia Graleski H'24

Born in Jersey City, Patricia is the oldest child of two deaf parents, neither of whom graduated high school and spent their adult lives as unskilled laborers. These circumstances created some of her earliest memories, with her acting as translator for both parents while accompanying them on frequent trips to the unemployment office. Given their background, Patricia's parents often found themselves out of work during periods of economic downturns throughout the 1950's.
Such experiences instilled in Patricia a great desire to obtain a college degree. She knew her parents would be unable to support her goal financially, but Patricia saw the value in pursuing higher education and set her sights on achieving academic excellence in an effort to earn a scholarship. "From second grade on," said Patricia, "I promised myself I would be going to college."
Patricia remained focused on the promise she made to herself and performed very well on the SAT, which earned her full scholarship to Newark State Teachers College, now Kean University.
When Patricia's acceptance letter arrived in the mail, her father told her, "You are not going to college; you should be a secretary or a teacher or a nurse. As a matter of fact, this scholarship would be better suited for a man and, most importantly, we need you to work as your salary pays for room and board in our house."
In 1992, the recession caught up with Patricia and she, like many others at the time, found herself out of work and unable to gain new employment without a college degree. She eventually acquired a position within the School of Nursing at the University of Maryland, where she worked for a period of time before further economic downturns resulted in unemployment yet again. As a result of having been downsized twice, Patricia was eligible to receive a Pell Grant affording her the ability to attend college.
At last, Patricia would be able to earn the college degree she had longed for ever since childhood - and she did just that! A woman already in her 50s, she went on to earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of Maryland, having achieved a 3.5 GPA and subsequently graduating with honors.
In recent years, while reflecting on the legacy she would leave behind,
Patricia wanted to afford the same opportunity she was given to other young
women. This realization resulted in Patricia's decision to offer Kean
University philanthropic support in two different ways: by making a
bequest, or a written provision in her will allowing for a gift from her
estate to the Kean University Foundation shortly after her passing, to
establish an endowed scholarship, thusly earning her membership within the
Foundation's Medallion Society, as well as the generous donation which
provided for the naming of The Patricia Graleski Gallery.
The Kean University Foundation is truly honored to have this legacy space
bestowed by Patricia. The Patricia Graleski Gallery supports Kean University
students in the Michael Graves College for Public Architecture and Design
and will highlight their extraordinary talents for many years to come.